11 August 2008

Tata for Now

Also called the "Peoples Car", this Indian car, already in production is being offered in India for $2,500. The cheep price allows a great number of Indians to afford the car, the expect the sale of the Tata in South America and Africa in the next four years.

But is the American dream of everyone owning a car really best for the "people?" No matter what the size and the price, its an increase in the number of individual cars and adding to pollution and traffic.

What is the "Peoples Car"? isn't this just another "persons car"? How can the industry rethink sales in terms of community, public or infrastructure...instead of numbers, individuality...consumerism. Is there a place for the auto industry in transportation for "the people?" and what does that look like?

Tata Motors
The Worlds Cheapest Car

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