15 August 2008

Green Washing Gas

Image: bp.com

The Helio House is BP attempt at marketing a green gas station. Though they don't offer any type of alternative fuel, they did manage to create a building with LEED certification. The building has recycled this and that, education materials, LED lighting....cell phone recycling. But as many have argued...its still gas, its still harmful no matter what container you put in it.

These stations out of Oregon, SeQuential, might have the better idea. Not as flashy to make national headlines, they do offer a variety of alternate fuels ... and a green roof.

So what are the opportunities for "fueling stations" in our urban environments? How will the station evolve when real alternatives to fueling becomes more mainstream? How can a gas station really engage the community, the environment, watershed, energy system, transportation systems? How is energy distributed, consumed within nature?

additional resources:
NPR Report

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