24 October 2008

Mapping "Real" America

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In this time of heightened political commentary, I never expected it to enter into a blog concerned with urban design. But as we have all come to understand, all things are political. So, it is of great interest to me hearing the Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin's comments regarding a "real America." And, daring to take it seriously, ask, what is and where is this "real America"

here is one patch of it

In scouring the internet, I could find no "list" of Palin's speaking engagements, in seeking a literal "road map" of her "real america." The attached images are mostly cartoon satires, but, help to illustrate my inquiry.

What is this conceptual landscape of "real America?" Who or what makes up this identification? Is it based on location? urban form? density? can it be defined architecturally? Or is it census based: education, ethnicity, age, economic tier, religion...?

What images come up for us with the comment of "real America?" With red and blue states, how deep is our identification of the (new?) political landscape of the USA?

Is this "real America" an imaginary (virtual) reality?

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